Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Faction / Ladder Quests

Faction Battle

Faction Guide
Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
War between two Factions Read About <Faction> 5 - - -
Before you join a Faction… Read aAbout <Faction Battle> 5 - - -
Guilds Read About <Guild> 5 - - -
Select Faction you wish to join 10 - - -
A new start Let's try Faction Battle 10 - - -

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Let's aim for 10 KO in Faction Battle! 10 KO in Faction Battle 50 500 - Hero Scroll x2
Let's aim for 50 KO in Faction Battle! 50 KO in Faction Battle 100 1000 - EXP+200% 7Days
Let's aim for 100 KO in Faction Battle! 100 KO in Faction Battle 200 2000 - [F] Style Package
Let's aim for 250 KO in Faction Battle! 250 KO in Faction Battle 300 3000 Faction War Winner -
Let's aim for 500 KO in Faction Battle! 500 KO in Faction Battle 400 4000 - Megaphone x100
Let's aim for 1000 KO in Faction Battle 1000 KO in Faction Battle 500 5000 - Perm Gear Chest

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Faction Battles The way to winning 50 500 Faction War Initiation -
Let's win 10 times in Faction Battle! Win 10 times in Faction Battle 100 1000 - Peso+100% 7Days
Let's win 50 times in Faction Battle! Win 50 times in Faction Battle 200 2000 - Male Style
Let's win 100 times in Faction Battle! Win 100 times Faction Battle 300 3000 - Chest Gear x2
Let's win 250 times in Faction Battle! Win 250 times in Faction Battle 400 4000 - Gear Enchanter x3
Let's win 500 times in Faction Battle! Win 500 times in Faction Battle 500 5000 Leader of Victory -

Consecutive Wins
Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Aim for 2 Conesecutive Wins in Faction Battle! 2 CW in Faction Battle 50 500 - Upgrade Reset x2
Aim for 3 Conesecutive Wins in Faction Battle! 3 CW in Faction Battle 200 2000 - Trial Gear Chest x3
Aim for 5 Conesecutive Wins in Faction Battle! 5 CW in Faction Battle 400 4000 - Legendary Chest

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
To be the Best Win a season in Faction Battle 100 1000 - Hero Scroll x3
Effort in Faction Battle! 125%+Effort 5 times 100 1000 Requirement of a Leader -
Double Win 10,000 has been awarded 100 - - Gear Enchanter x2
Be the Faction Battle Champion! x100 Champion in Faction Battle 300 3000 - Gear Chest x2
Skill Testing Within 5,000th Rank 500 5000 - Gear Chest x2
Special Guild Within 1,000th Rank 1000 10000 Special Force Perm Gear Chest

Ladder Match

Ladder Match Guide
Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
What is a Ladder? Read About <Ladder> 5 - - -
Head to Head Join a Ladder Match 10 - - -

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Ladder Match - 10 WINS! Achieve 10 wins in Ladder Match 100 1000 1 vs. 1 Introduced -
Ladder Match - 50 WINS! Achieve 50 wins in Ladder Match 200 2000 - Peso+100% 7Days
Ladder Match - 100 WINS! Achieve 100 wins in Ladder Match 400 4000 - Male Style
Ladder Match - 250 WINS! Achieve 250 wins in Ladder Match 600 6000 - Gear Chest
Ladder Match - 500 WINS! Achieve 500 wins in Ladder Match 800 8000 - Gear Enchanter x2
Ladder Match - 1000 WINS! Achieve 1000 wins in Ladder Match 1000 10000 True Winner -

Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Ladder Match - 25 KOs! Achieve 25 KOs in Ladder Match 100 1000 - Hero Scroll x2
Ladder Match - 100 KOs! Achieve 100 KOs in Ladder Match 200 2000 - EXP+200% 7Days
Ladder Match - 500 KOs! Achieve 500 KOs in Ladder Match 400 4000 - Female Style
Ladder Match - 1000 KOs! Achieve 1000 KOs in Ladder Match 600 6000 Battle Expert -
Ladder Match - 2500 KOs! Achieve 2500 KOs in Ladder Match 800 8000 - Megaphone x100
Ladder Match - 5000 KOs! Achieve 5000 KOs in Ladder Match 1000 10000 - Perm Gear Chest

Consective Wins
Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Ladder Match - 2 CWs!! Achieve 2 consecutive wins in Ladder Match 100 1000 - Upgrade Rest x2
Ladder Match - 3 CWs!! Achieve 3 consecutive wins in Ladder Match 200 2000 Shining Victory -
Ladder Match - 4 CWs!! Achieve 4 consecutive wins in Ladder Match 400 4000 - Trial Gear Chest x3
Ladder Match - 5 CWs!! Achieve 5 consecutive wins in Ladder Match 600 6000 - Gear Chest x2
Ladder Match - 10 CWs!! Achieve 10 consecutive wins in Ladder Match 800 8000 - Legendary Chest

Faction Level

Faction Level
Quest Objective EXP Peso Medal Prize
Beginning of Faction Battles Faction Battle Level 10 100 1000 Faction War Soldier -
All for One!! One for All!! Faction Battle Level 20 200 2000 - Hero Scroll
To become famous Faction Battle Level 30 300 3000 Popular Soldier -
The Expert Faction Battle Level 40 400 4000 - Trial Gear Chest
Team Expert Faction Battle Level 50 500 5000 Aftermath Agent
The Teacher Faction Battle Level 60 600 6000 - (M) Fierce Style
Tactic Master Faction Battle Level 70 700 7000 Result of Tactics -
The Secret Proposal Faction Battle Level 80 800 8000 - (F) Icy Style
Faction Battle Hero Faction Battle Level 90 900 9000 Faction War Hero -
Master of Faction Battles Faction Battle Level 10 100 1000 Faction War Champion -

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